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  • Wakfu?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by BitOfHope, May 4, 2015.

    1. BitOfHope

      BitOfHope New Member

      Oct 9, 2014
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      For anybody that doesn't know what Wakfu is:

      It's a tactical turn based isometric MMORPG. It used to be published by Square Enix. It can be found on the Ankama website or on Steam.

      Anyways, I was wondering a couple things. Does anybody know if it's possible to submit a request for a buddybot to be made for a specific game?

      And two, does anybody think Wakfu would have a chance to ever become a buddybot? I know the playerbase isn't very large, but it should be a fairly easy game to create something for. Coded in Java. It's predecessor of 10 years is Dofus, which is still maintained and updated to this day. Dofus has toooons of botters while Wakfu has no love.


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