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  • [Warlock CC] skiWarlock 4.0 - ALL TREES -

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ski, Aug 24, 2010.

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    1. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
      Breyna and banned4haxx like this.
    2. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      skiWarlock v4

      • Supports all talent trees - Affliction, Demonology, Destruction - automatically detected
      • PVP Support - not perfect, but it works :eek:
      • RAF & InstanceBuddy Support
      • Supports all Warlock mechanics - Talents, Glyphs, Pet - excluding the Voidwalker's Sacrifice ability (coming in 4.04)
      • Fully customizable via GUI interface - allows easy, real time bot tuning
      • Settings Profile system - allowing easy changing between multiple setup configurations
      • Automatic Activity Detection - Grind, PVP and Instance - separate Settings Profiles per activity - automatically loaded
      • Automatic Talent Group change based on Settings Profile
      • Mass Pull support - has the ability to gather up many mobs and AOE them down
      • Intelligent handling of all Mobs using your Pet and Spells
      • Highly configurable.
      • Can be used from Level 1 - will automatically determine your Spells and best Pet
      • Can use Consumables - Health Stone, Soul Stone, Fire Stone, Spell Stone, Health Potions and Mana Potions
      • Can Combat more than one Mob at a time with DOT, Single Target and AOE spells
      The Rules

      1. Do not spam this thread with your logs!
      2. Post all logs as an attachment - if its too large, zip it!
      3. Post your full log - even if you think it's useless - feel free to remove any personalized information.
      Installation Instructions

      1. Download the latest skiWarlock.zip
      2. Remove the default "DemonWarlock.cs" CC and any other Warlock CustomClasses
      3. Unzip skiWarlock.zip directly into your CustomClasses directory. You *must* have the skiWarlock directory inside of your CustomClasses directory
      4. Start HB, click Start
      5. Use the 'CC Configuration' button to customize this class in real time
      Change Log
      [SIZE=3][SIZE=5][SIZE=4] [B]skiWarlock v4.03[/B]
      [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]Added: Talent Group change support
      SettingsProfile: Added setting 'TalentGroup' under 'Talents'. This is used to change your Talent Spec based on your Settings Profile. Default: DontChange, Valid values: DontChange, Primary, Secondary
      Initalization: Added Pet check. Correctly determines if you can summon the Pet 'auto' determines
      Added: Use Seed of Corruption: Can be enabled per Settings Profile. Can be used in PVP and Instances
      Added: Demonology: Decimation support - uses Soul Fire when this procs
      Life Tap: Life Tap can now be used with Dark Pact
      Summon Imp Bug: Fixed bug where it would constantly summon your imp if you had now Soul Shards after Rest() was fired
      Fixed: Glyph Manager code
      Updated: Movement code - should update loction a lot more often when moving[SIZE=3][SIZE=5][SIZE=4]
       [B]skiWarlock v4.02[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
      Added: Initialization logging updates - displays when Glyph / Talent mechanics are enabled
      Added: Default Instance Settings Profile option
      Added: GUI changes for Instance Settings Profile
      RAF: Better Pet Control - attacks Leaders target
      RAF: Targeting updates - targets Leaders target
      RAF: Added: InRAF - dynamically checks if RAF Leader has been set - updated all instances of code with this
      RAF: Added: RAFLeaderTargetIsValid - runs various checks determining if the RAF Leaders CurrentTarget is valid for attacking
      RAF: Removed: RAFFollow - was only checked on start up
      Combat: RAF: Added RAF target code
      Combat: Mass Pull: Replaced Z Distance check with a more effienct check
      Combat: Pet Attack: RAF: Added RAF target code
      Combat: Combat Adds: Pet Attack: Disabled while in an Instance - will keep attacking Leader's target while caster DOTs each mob
      Combat: Combat Adds: Distance check added DOT rotation
      Combat: PVE Fear disabled while in an Instance
      Removed: combatChecks code
      Fixed: Backlash detection code was incorrectly detecting the Passive Backlash buff as the proc buff. This caused Shadowbolt spam
      Fixed: SoulShardCount would report an incorrect value after zoning out of an Instance (may have affected other Zoning too?) Problem: HB core bug: Me.BagItems only contains backpack after zoning
      Life Tap: Renamed: LifeTapMaxMana -> LifeTapManaPercent
      Life Tap: LifeTapManaPercent is now used for a Out of Combat Life Tap check - Default: 30%
      Life Tap: Added: LifeTapManaPercentInCombat is used for In Combat Life Tap check - this gives the functionality of being able to top your mana up completely - Default: 80%
      Metamorphosis: Rewritten - more to come
      Metamorphosis: Added Metamorphosis() - handles all Metamorphosis actions - replaced all existing Metamorphosis code with this function
      Metamorphosis: Logging updates
      Metamorphosis: "Use Metamorphosis" option remains, but is now automatically disabled if you do not have Metamorphosis
      Metamorphosis: Immolation Aura: Now checks all adds distance, not just your CurrentTarget
      Metamorphosis: Shadow Cleave: Support added
      Fixed: Double immolate
      New Class: GlyphManager - used to check if we have certain Glyphs - What other Glyphs should i add support for?
      Added: Glyph check for Settings.PullWithGlyphOfLifeTap (Rank 1) - disables if you dont have the Glyph
      Added: Talent check for "Improved Shadow Bolt" talent - disables Settings.PullWithShadowBolt if you have no ranks
      Added: Map Changed Event
      Updated: Logging updates
      Rest(): Moved Delete Sould Shard to the last action
      AddList() and MobList(): Now uses IsTargetingMeOrPet, IsTargetingMyPartyMember and IsTargetingMyRaidMember - Let me know if Add detection is off
      HaveItemCheck(): Rewritten to not use Me.BagItems Problem: HB core bug: Me.BagItems only contains backpack after zoning
      WaitWhileCasting(): Sleeps removed
      Target(): Added check to return if Mob to target is yourself
      SingleRotation(): Added StopMoving from CombatChecks. Added LastSpell cast and count checks
      MoveToUnit(): Added basic loop instead of straight move - needs more work
      Pull(): No longer calls Combat() at the end of the method, it calls SingleRotation()

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
      Breyna and banned4haxx like this.
    3. important

      important New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Maybe I shall continue to level my warlock....
    4. Knut

      Knut New Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Awesome! Downloading and testing now. Thanks a lot, Ski! :)
    5. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Okay, lifetap during adds doesn't work. I changed it so that it would try and use lifetap before it used dark pact and I ran out of mana (so it actually didn't use either at that point). I swapped them around as previously I was just draining my pet dry and it wouldn't use LT at all. I'd like to see it alternate if possible.

      Log is attached. Look at the last couple of fights. You'll see when I changed the variables, too.

      Attached Files:

    6. izzy

      izzy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is there a chance that could add consume shadows for the voidwalker?
    7. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      I'll look at it... but Dark Pack is crap. You want your Pet to have mana at all times. This allows it to Cleave (more DPS) and Taunt (very little damage on the caster). Get Imp Life Tap and Mana Feed imho

      You should be using a Farming Spec, not a copy paste spec from wow popular dot com :) popular specs are either Instance (lots of damage) or PVP (survivability), not for farming survivability with zero down time.

      i.e. i run demo/afflic spec, but i dont get meta as its not very good for farming.... where Siphon Life is great for farming. Mana Feed has to be one of the BEST talents you can pick up for farming, but i rarely see it used.

      Not life tapping while combating adds is by design. The bot is designed to go flat out with SoC when it encounters adds to kill them as quickly as possible. If it runs out of mana and cant SoC, it should Life Tap - though i personally never even get close to this as it life taps after each pull.

      I will add it when i have time, its not a priority. Many have said they have added this functionality, but when i PM them to ask for the code... i get zero replies :(
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
    8. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i love ur cc but one thing in ashenvale at those demon mobs immolate and shadowbolt are immune should i only use drainlife there?
    9. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Okay, as long as it is designed to lifetap *at some point* then that works for me. I'll have to adjust my potion using %'s, too, etc. And Dark Pact works fine with the Felhunter as it tops its mana off as long as I'm not sucking it too dry. But now that I understand the logic here, I'll adjust my %'s.

      And I've got a pure DPS dotlock spec. It may not be the best farming spec, but I've not had any real issues with it and its downtime is zero while farming/doing quests/in dungeons/pretty much anywhere.

      You don't have to like my spec, but it works for me. =)

      EDIT: Side note, I've noticed that I don't think I've ever seen Drain Life fire... I'll play around with the %'s some and get you a log later on if it keeps not happening.
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
    10. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      Turn off Mass Pull and watch it play for a few minutes... adjust anything that is not correct, then turn it back on.

      There is nothing "bad" about your spec, its just not efficient. This is because you are using SoC most of the time for damage and using your Pet to control the mobs (that's how i've design it anyway). Most of the time the DOT's dont even get 1/4 of their damage out, so its a big waste of mana.

      You should try a demo Felguard spec for farming if you havent already :) Dual spec is a great thing.

      I cant detect mob immunities sadly. If you are farming a particular mob that is immune, you will have to adjust your Settings Profile to not use that spell. Sorry.
    11. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      This is even without mass pulling. If I do chain singles one after another even once my health is low enough I've never seen it use Drain Life.

      And yes, I realize this isn't the best/most efficient spec for leveling... and I'm cool with that. I'd rather be using a spec that does what I want to do (that still kicks ass) for once. So that's what I'm doing.
    12. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You nuked it from the last thread, before I got a full answer. I'm looking to figure out how I can get the bot to lifetap anytime it has 100% HP and <100% MP. You told me generically, but I can't figure it out given the variables listed. Also, how can I get it to stay outside of 5 yards when I don't have aggro? Again, this is to reduce the amount of threat done to the target, reducing the chance I'll pull aggro.
    13. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      There are 2 variables for when to trigger Life Tap. One is based on your casters current Mana, the other is when you have Mana Feed and your Pet's current Mana.

      I'm not 100% on what you want with the "stay outside of 5 yards".
      By default:

      • With Mass Pull disabled it will move to within 29 yards - it will not move further away, it will only move in
      • With Mass Pull enabled it will move within 29 yards to start with, then once it starts SoCing it will close the gap to 12-15 yards as you will pull aggro and the mobs will run to you. Moving closer means you all SoC's will hit each target. Being further away would not stop the aggro pull when SoCing
      There are 3 checks for Drain Life:

      1. My HP Percent < Drain Life Percent Setting
      2. My Targets HP Percent > Drain Life Min Target Percent Setting
      3. Creature Type != Mechanical
      Please let me know if its not working as intended.

      Spec wise what ever works best for you. But the bot works best with Demo.

      Currently in my test area of level 80 humanoids, im getting 280 kills per hour.... this fills my bags very quickly. Level 80 lock with a 3k GS
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
    14. Xanathos

      Xanathos Active Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      Attached is my log, Drain life is set to 60% of my health and 25% of theirs... And I don't see it ever being used.

      Also lifetap seems to be somewhat broken now. I've got it cranked up to use at under 90% when I'm over 50% health and I'm not seeing it used. I've also got the Lifetap (Rank 1) talent option turned on and it doesn't seem to be using it when it is pulling.

      Log attached.

      And it may work best with Demo, but this is an "all trees" bot. I am glad that you've taken over the coding to advance the bot to where it is today, but please don't have the bot loose functionality due to that.

      EDIT: Updated log. I can see the "Pull: Lifetap (Rank 1)" text line with what I'm doing now, but the buff isn't showing up/it actually isn't casting it. Updated log file attached.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
    15. Zabbad

      Zabbad New Member

      May 29, 2010
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      Awesome cc. I lost my interest in manual leveling at 64 roughly 2 days ago. Now im 72 using your CC. You sir, work wonders thanks a lot!
    16. orasmus

      orasmus New Member

      Jun 2, 2010
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      Just a little curious here. I am unable to provide logs as they prove nothing to this issue. The issue is buffing in battlegrounds. My warlock never buffs himself after respawning and would rather mount up and run off. Could someone inform me of what I could do to fix this? (if a bug with the cc then I will wait for update).
    17. Zabbad

      Zabbad New Member

      May 29, 2010
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      Sorry for double post, is this CC supported for version and
    18. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thedrunk: What spec would you suggest to use while leveling?
    19. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Affliction to 60, then demo to 80 imo.
    20. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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