Anyone know of a working profile, or semi working profile to start and complete the Green Fire quest for Warlocks? Info about the quest can be found here:
Isn't that quest for level 90s? I imagine everything is outdated for that, Millz had one floating around during MoP. If you're level 100 I imagine it should be incredibly easy. EDIT: Here is the (outdated) Millz PureRotation:
Indeed it is for level 90, although I think some kind of farming profile at least for the first item "Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion" would be of great benefit to Warlocks wanting to do this. It is a tedious farming process as the item has a 2% drop rate. Then you need to go to several locations in the old Outland and get items as well. For the actual boss fight, that isn't much of an issue as it is a level 90 fight, although you can do it at level 100.