Last week I was unable to use the bot due to target failures using the default settings. After the most recent update that is no longer an issue. But now, for example, if the bot tries to play a cleric or something it will grab the card to the right of it and attempt to play it. There is no log errors because it is trying to play the right card but not grabbing that card and my turn will end from not playing in time because its trying to play a card that is to high cost on turn 1. Ive changed resolutions, windowed, fullscreen, ect... Suggestions?
Just launched again, another but now skipping attacks....just ending turn... View attachment Hearthbuddy 2692 2015-07-31 00.04.txt
remove microsoft .NET, c++ 2010, c++ 2012 restart your pc, download the run them as administrator. after wizard installation is done, run windows update. And install all updates for .net & c++ restart