Perhaps I'm just not seeing some glaring flaw in this, but I cannot figure out for the life of me why this is happening. When I run the attached profile, while it's between midnight and 5 AM, the bot properly moves to Black Brush Station, however when it tries to navigate to the hotspot it doesn't try to navigate to <189.9857, -2, -277.2959> as it should, but it tries to move to <300.17, 1.520419, -568.1984>, which are the coordinates for the final gathering node instead. Later on, at 7:40 Eorzea Time, the bot did move to Drybone properly but again tries to navigate not to <327.93, 16.79726, 23.83831> but the same <300.17, 1.520419, -568.1984>. Does anyone know why this is happening and/or can replicate it? It happens every time for me without fail, but I'd like to make sure it's not my machine anyway. Profile and log attached.
Strange. Didn't happen for me. Teleported to blackbrush then requested [16:00:36.041 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-12.56759, -1.878044, -166.557> to <189.9857, -2, -277.2959> There are some issues with your profile: Code: <Slot>8</Slot> <Slot>7</Slot> You can only specify one slot to gather from. Code: <Gather while="True"> After gathering an unspoled node the bot will stay in this area waiting for the next time the node spawns. Try using loop="2" if your going to have a single hotspot. Code: <TeleportTo Name="Black Brush Station" AetheryteId="53" /> </If> <Gather while="True"> <GatherObject>Unspoiled Mineral Deposit</GatherObject> <HotSpots> <HotSpot Radius="90" XYZ="189.9857, -2, -277.2959" /> </HotSpots> <Slot>6</Slot> <GatheringSkillOrder> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Toil of the Mountaineer" TimesToCast="1" /> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Sharp Vision III" TimesToCast="1" /> </GatheringSkillOrder> </Gather> </If> <If Condition="IsTimeBetween(5,7)"> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(153)"> <TeleportTo Name="Camp Tranquil" AetheryteId="6" /> </If> <Gather while="True"> <GatherObject>Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> <HotSpots> <HotSpot Radius="90" XYZ="189.9857, -2, -277.2959" /> You have the samehot spot cords for blackbrush and camp tranquil is this supposed to be that way?
I'm running in to the same problem, and i'll post my log when i get home tomorrow. But to replicate the issue you have to start the bot when the first if statement criteria is met. After the first if statement the bot will then teleport to the next area but it looks like the hotspot does not get reset/refreshed so it will try to navigate to the previous point which is no longer valid for the new map.
If you can get the conditions to recreate the issue please let me know the exact steps and the conditions ingame.
load the profile attached, But only start it when darksteel ore can be mined. the profile will mine the ore then teleport to forgotten springs once this happens it will try to navigate to the node that was used to mine darksteel ore.
Thanks. Was able to fix it. Pushing a new version now. Also <Slot> is 0 based so it goes 01234567 not 12345678