I just had one of the farm accounts banned for the first time. Initial email said that the account is permanently banned and Game License can not be used again (for use of 3rd party automated software) I appealed and they reversed the total ban to 72hrs with a final warning. So what are the ban stages? You only get 2 strikes? Second time you get banned forever?
I got perma banned today for the same reason you got banned for. I asked them if there's no possibility for me to use the account again and the answer was no.... Had my acc since vanilla so im pleased
I had two farming accounts abusing GB as hell. They were farming simultaneously every day for weeks, about 12 hrs a day. One got banned. The other is still fine.
I never had a warning. I always get banned then I appeal to 72hrs. After that bot smarter because you will lose that account if you do what you were doing.