For the life of me, I can't find the API calls to set HQ materials when crafting. Searched on CraftingLog and CraftingManager but can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated
I guess I'll ask here so I don't start another thread. I was hoping I could make an instance of the Synthesize tag and get it's behavior in order to synthesize with HQ mats on a custom crafting bot base I'm making. However, I noticed it's constructor is private so it can't be instantiated or inherited from. Just so I stop looking if it's the case, is there absolutely no way we can synthesize with HQ mats on plugins / bot bases outside of using OrderBot profiles? Last resort I was thinking of making an XML tag and deserializing it into a Synthesize object and getting it's composite like that so I can hook it up with the other logic.
Alright, managed to create an instance with reflection. How's the async method called and what parameters does it use? Using Reflector only thing I could find was two private Task<bool> methods: Code: [DebuggerStepThrough, AsyncStateMachine(typeof(ff14bot.NeoProfiles.Tags.Synthesize.))] private Task<bool> () { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. } [CompilerGenerated] private Task<bool> (object ) { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. } Or do you mean that just by creating an instance of a Synthesize and then setting it's HQMats property how I need, the CraftingManager.SetRecipe() is enough for the HQ mats to be used?
Its a coroutine which i suggest you start using instead of behavior trees. The one without any parameters, so you just (await reflectioncall)
Alright sounds good. Could you tell me the method's name? For whatever reason, I can't get that method's name using reflection. It detects there is something, but just returns an empty string.
Ah that's why. Found it by enumerating the GetMethods() return values in the log and using it's index lol. It seems to be working, thanks.