As the title says, what coding language should I learn to code plugins and CC's? Any help would be much appreciated. As of now I only know the basic's of python but I don't think that really would be useful for CC's and plugins.
Ifu wanna make ur own bots do c#. If u wanna make programs filled with bugs and spiders do Basic. If u wanna be japanese nerd do C++.
But aint c# only for windows?!?! and c++ is multiplatform? (i' just simply stating that) But i have heard that c# has good qualities. xD why exactly a "japanese nerd"?
c++ multiplatform? Not really... If u want a multiplatform lang take Java... C# is the greatest lang for beginners. Not to hard to learn and it's great to learn objectiv programming. I started with PHP -> Python -> c# <3