Hi, since their "haha we banned you email" mentioned "Exploitive gains such as items or currency may have been removed as part of this action", I wonder how can I know what did they take. I can see gold on my chars on armory, but is that number still accurate? Isn't it "snapshot" of what the char had before it got booted? I am tkinking it may not be, since auctions and bag contents had to be dynamicaly available for auctioning. Anyone have any experiences with this? I plan on taking "long term gold loan" from friend to pay WoW tokens and want to know, if I can count on my gold being there after 6 months to pay my friend back.
Are you able to log in and collect mail? I know it's automatically deleted after 30 days, and I had some nice purples and (presumably) some gold from the AH.
Whatever was in my mail was claimed by my toon somehow. I have 15k more gold then when I was logged out