Hello i am new to heartbuddy i am going to buy it but i dont know how to set it all up. I know that some people are posting here some deck(i wanna try the murlock one) but i dont know Where to put it.and i wanna ask how effective it can be ? How much gold can you make in hour ? Thx for reading this.
There is a limit 100 gold per day. In the game you remove all your decks and have only one custom deck you want the bot to play. In Hearthbuddy, you choose the SilverFishControl or Rush in Custom Deck settings and click start
When it comes to deck it is very subjective for what is effective to farm. Just because you made a good deck that usually makes you win doesn't mean that the bot logic think like you would. But it is great for farming level 60's and golden heroes as long as you are able to create a deck that is able to win with the bot logic.