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  • What does Blizzard know about you?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by gfarmzz, Nov 14, 2013.

    1. gfarmzz

      gfarmzz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Because recently Blizzard has stepped up their bans, including banning innocent accounts just for being associated with other accounts, I think it's time we put together a list of all the ways Blizzard can relate your botting accounts to other accounts you own. Here is my list so far, and please reply to this thread if you know of anything not already listed in this title post or someone else's reply.

      Battle.net account email
      Your name
      Your address
      Payment method
      IP address
      MAC address

      I know for a fact that when I got banned, they banned every WOW account on my battle.net email, even though some did not bot. So obviously, never use the same battle.net email for your bots. What I am interested in finding out is whether Blizzard can see an ID that uniquely identifies your CPU or HDD or motherboard, etc. Also, if you are on a router, can they identify your router?
    2. brainAbuddy

      brainAbuddy Active Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      they only know the name you tell them
      and the same with the adress

      you could also you use a virtual box so they can't know your MAC adress and you could use a *** for your IP

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