As the title says What exactly does the DoNothing botbase do? Will it still target and engage things? Or does it not use CC's or movement? Lets say i wanted to park my guy at a spot to wait for a rare spawn, if i set it on the DoNothing bot will it just sit there and if the rare passes by it will target and kill the rare spawn?
I guess it will Do Nothing. As in NOT targeting and attacking. Edit: Myself I use it for running Milling/Prospecting plugins.
it lets party bot (other accts) attach properly to your DoNothing bot so they know who the leader is I assume you can still achieve the same thing with CombatBot, but DoNothing is so that you can play regular
if you want to kill it, yes. also, i think Apoc posted an anti-afk plugin a while back. I'm sure someone else has embedded it into some special addon or something, too
erenion had created a anti AFK plugin. It is old but it should works: eBored (you need the eBored hb2.0.cs)
!!!!!! You could make a questing profile with runlua to "jump", runmacro /target mobname here\n/cast spellname (or startattack), waittime on it, and num of times until you want to jump again, and stick that in a while condition