I was wondering, what does blizzard think whenever they ban a player? I mean, they're kinda losing $15 a month if the player buys legitament game time, and what if no one else even noticed this player? Please leave your thoughts
I don't think they go out of their way to ban botting accounts, but when players start reporting them they have to do something or the forums explode with the usual "Do somthing about all these bots, you rat fucking bastards" posts. Like on the diablo forums.
If no one recalls what the terms of your account in wow is, i think maybe u should go read it again.. You are simple renting the account from Blizzard and all on it, 3th party programs isnt allowed, cause others will earn money on it, and thats not why they made this game. Its only for them to earn on it.. Besides that im actually beginning to hate world of warcraft more and more.. due to more and more bots im afraid to say :/ Fine if u bot sometimes.. But over and over and over and over.. Then my question back is.. Why pay a game if u aint playing it most of the time?
The thing is that ALOT of ppls stopped buying gold and started botting instead, this is mostly because of the big companies that sell gold with 2-3$/k and they buy the gold from average botter with 0.3-.07/k
I'm the real exemple of what u just said Before i buyed gold ( 6 to 8 years ago ) and then i started to bot