hi, sorry i know im in the wrong section, but i still cant post everywhere. how can i edit mesh files? tried blender - not a blender file - how/where can i add a yellow mob? it attacks Grovestalker Lynx and i like to add fey Drakes (example) What are factions for? 14 - Monster - they seem so general. what does it do. i have been looking for several days now. found some guides, bits of info here and everywhere, lists of item numbers, looked at sample profiles, hotspots, protected items - but it seems for every answer i find i also develop 3 new questions. so thanks for your help - and your patience - u must be getting these questions every second day cheers
As Tony said, the mesh files are a proprietary format that HB uses (i'm sure MaiN or Nesox will come in here and tell me that's not true, but it's my understanding). Every NPC in the game has a faction associated with it, its how you define what you want to attack in a profile. You can determine the faction of something by using the "Target Info" button in the HB UI (among other ways, but that's an easy one).
Thank you tried traget info und navlog - works great. afore mentioned fey drakes are faction 1803, found that out and added in profile. changed maxlvl from 65 to 66, but HB still doesnt target the lil yellow buggers. what am i missing? is there a line of code like vendor..... or does HB only target red mobs? thx
unless they're under avoid mobs, adding 1803 to the faction list should be all you have to do. Post the .xml profile and some of the forum users will look at it.
its hawkers with two tiny changes in blade run maxlvl 65 to 66, and added 1803. if i left click the yellow mob it attacks them, but it does not target them otherwise. only lynx in that area. dont know how to post a file so hope this works: <SubProfile> <Name>Blade's Run 64-66</Name> <Mesh Name="Alliance Outlands.mesh" ServerID="33" /> <MinLevel>64</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>66</MaxLevel> <Factions>1804 1803 14 16</Factions> <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Bossi Pentapiston" Entry="21112" Type="Repair" X="1911.047" Y="5549.254" Z="263.7921"/> </Vendors> <Mailboxes> <Mailbox X="1935.042" Y="5547.066" Z="266.3936" /> </Mailboxes> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="1013.899" Y="6000.414" Z="125.8744" /> <Hotspot X="1044.002" Y="6053.052" Z="130.8732" /> <Hotspot X="1214.149" Y="6053.386" Z="166.8891" /> <Hotspot X="1144.451" Y="6025.085" Z="157.4092" /> <Hotspot X="1393.26" Y="6027.014" Z="152.4762" /> <Hotspot X="1366.849" Y="6071.084" Z="156.0922" /> <Hotspot X="1512.772" Y="6055.285" Z="124.7934" /> </Hotspots> <AvoidMobs> <AvoidMob Name="Fel Reaver" Entry="18733" /> </AvoidMobs> </SubProfile> thanks