basically, I only have one account (I cannot get another one for botting) which is my main, I've been going fine but now my guild leader thinks I'm botting (whispered me and ask if I was botting :\) said no and that was the end of it, what do you guys think I should do to continue botting without bringing up anymore concern? any help or tips would be appreciated.
well make a toon that has no freinds with its own guild. and bot on that one. i tell some of my friends i bot and let them in on some good stuff so they keep in good with me.
I would do that but I honestly don't want to buy master/artison flying and level herb/mining again, I'm leaning towards installing an auto whisperer saying "<Auto Response> This player may not be able to view your whisper while <Addonname> is outdated" or something >.<
badboy antispam ^^ you can edit it to make it say exactly that edit: of course, that doesnt help when he starts talking to you in gchat... leveling a new toon is by far your best option.