After botting for several months with gb, I have about one guild tab worth of titanium ores. I have no idea why I didn't sell them or use them. I guess I just don't like the feeling of selling something that appears probably only once every 20 nodes. The only max level professions that I have in this server are JC and engineering so the only personal use is to get the Dalaran JC tokens. My question is, should I try to offload these ores as soon as possible before cataclysm hits or should I just wait till after? I'm just thinking that, since titanium isn't a necessary material to power level a profession, the demand will be very low in cataclysm. And there won't be many who will want crafted level 80 BoEs or collecting wotlk JC recipes by then. I don't really know much about cataclysm though. Any thoughts?
I wouldnt sell them. As rare as they are, how many farmers do you think will continue to farm ore not in the new areas after launch? how many farmers farm old tbc stuff right now? tbc ore on my server is ridiculously high. I'd wait. I bet in 3 months you'd be able to get 500g a stack or more.
I really doubt titanium will be used at any point in doing 375-450. I would sell them while you still can.
in 3 months nobody will need titanium.. it's not needed for anything except getting epic gems or making ilvl 200 gear.. it'll be worthless once cata comes out
Probably titanium will be used for new items, so it will be good to level from 450 to 525(or maybe around 475) in blacksmithing, jewelcrafting and engineering. And since ppl want to level fast they will buy it off AH.
doubt it, when wotlk came out... the 350-375 highend grind was replaced by low end wotlk items/mats. Did anyone use khorium (sp) to level when wotlk came out? nope.
Gotta sell them asap them, gotta find a way so as not to flood the ah too much. Thanks all for the responses.