I have been away from the game and botting for a very long time, and I'm interested in getting back with WoD. I was wondering in general (botting or not) what classes will most likely be the strongest and why? Looking for a good discussion to help me and possibly others in making a decision on a possible new toon or a 90 boosted one. So what do you guys think or know based on what is available?
Best DPS, by far, is warriors, followed by warlocks. As for healing, that depends on the type of healing. Tank or raid, and other survival options.
With the removal of snapshots for dots simulation craft should be a close approximation. With that said. Warriors and warlocks just got nerfed as well was fire mages to be more in line with classes now, which will likely reduce their overall scaling into T17. I wouldn't hang my hat on anything yet until the expansion releases and Blizzard is actively trying to bring all class to be about the same dps.
Simulationcraft Results warlocks are dead if this goes live, but honestly it is all up in the air at this point. I imagine all classes will be made to be similar
The expansion isn't even out yet, so it's all completely up in the air. Right now, locks and mages are strong. Will that possibly change tomorrow? Yup! Just pick your favorite class to play and play it. If you're good, you can get a raid slot almost anywhere. If you're bad, get better.
true, all this is on beta, which always changes as they try to bring every class about even. Can't really rely on any one sim craft.
Well thanks guys for all the input, i do understand that a lot will be changing (and has) when the expansion actually drops. Just wondered if there were any rumors or insight as to what the solid classes would be at expansion launch. Thanks for all the replies and if anyone else has any two cents to throw in feel free to keep it going. I think Im going to roll a hunter, and hope they incorporate some more AoE power like back in the day!
You cant say, all have received nerfs this week and will get more on tuesday. This is mostly to balance lvl 90 content. Expect adjustment to come for wod patch. Pointless discussion tbh.
the roumors are same as always. Warrior OP > nerf > New OP Lock > nerf > New OP Hunter > nerf. Play what you like to play. however your fav. class stands right now. cos every class will sooner or later be the OP class.
Except that warrior has gotten nerfed twice already. warlock has gotten nerfed twice already. Hunter has already received buffs and are middle of the pack. But everything will change anyhow...
Yeh, not like the information is published by blizzard ?!? Do you even play the game ? 6.0.2 Hotfixes: October 17 - World of Warcraft I'll let you google the beta patch notes that will be applied tuesday night.
well in my optic, all classes is very close to each other, maybe 1 or 2 classes sticks out compared to simcraft, but we have we remember that 1 thing i simcraft, a other thing is raid encounter, so like several other people said, play your fav class
http://www.simulationcraft.org/reports/Raid_T17M.html Simcraft made for tier 17 (first tier of WOD) with lastest beta patch, this was posted at the first side of this thread and people still keep speculating "their own opinions". This spreadsheet is as close as you can come to the truth with the lastest patch on beta, its not guessing. Not saying it won't change but statements like "warlocks and warriors are best are just pure wrong.
For botting most dps is not the one to go for except your are raiding yourself supported by bot functions. Botting means fast + survival so best specs and talents are that give you speed and let you survive situations. As more passive things as better. Gathering and Griding makes more gold if your toons survive, not if they do 1% more damage. So a bot spec normally looks different from a spec you would play by hand. For the moment WoD is beta meaning everything will change within the next weeks/months anyhow until things are balanced.