Hello Botters, I made a skinning profile on Timeless Island but all the time when my bot is getting close to the alliance npcs he start to attack them I added already in the bot that he should avoid them but he is not doing that I also made a blackspot but he is still going there. I made a screenshot aswell, I hope some one can explain it Thanks
Hi Degriek, If you are writing profiles, questions such as these belong in the Developer forum. I believe this might be an Honorbuddy bug, and should be reported to the Release thread. But, we'd need a log to see what was going on. Specifically, we're interested in who decided to attack the NPC... HBcore, the Combat Routine, a plugin, etc? To answer that question, we need a log. To work-around the problem, you could add the individual mobs to your profile's AvoidMob list. It looks like this: <AvoidMobs> <Mob Name="Fel Reaver" Entry="18733" /> </AvoidMobs> cheers & much success with your project, chinajade