I tried looking on google for gold making guides or forums and did not find anything. I've been botting for a month with 2 accounts mining/herb and only made 200k I was wondering how I could make more.. Anyone got any great websites I could visit?? Thanks
Yeah man. If you find that magical way to make oodles of money, please tell us all! There is no magical way to make oodles of money. The key is to do that which no one else is doing but everyone needs. since then you'll be one of the few on the market and thus can ask loads of money. I, personally, am content with just doing what everyone else is doing and making a bit less money for a lot less effort.
Here's a bunch listed here - some are very good: Power Word: Gold: The World of Warcraft Gold Blog Directory and then there's one in particular that I won't post publically... but you can PM me for the info. All of them require reading and even some research. NOTHING is going to be a magic bullet - you do this over and over and you will make 200k by tomorrow... many things work really well on some servers and not at all on others so it's always up to you to check how things are working on your server. But they do help you 'think like an Entrepreneur' - and that's the most important step... to be able to spot the way to make bank.