I've tried following lots of links on the APIs from Google and Bing, but always get page not found. I've been unable to find API information from The Honorbuddy WIKI linked at the top of the page. Where do I go to get more detailed information on creating quest and gathering profiles? Thanks.
You can import Honorbuddy.exe as a reference into a Visual Studio project, right click it under References and select View in Object Browser and there you will find all of the API. You can also check out some of the already created questing/gathering profiles to get a better idea on how to reference different API calls and such.
That works for the API itself. I'm sorry I was not clearer. What I really need now is information on the XML formats, what tags are available, what they do, etc. I've been able to pick up a lot by reading other configurations, but would like to understand it better. It is clear that most have been created from earlier configs as they contain what would appear to be extraneous information (i.e. a <Factions> entry when farming leather). I've been able to fix a couple of scripts that were using the nav="fly' tag by adding FlyTo custom behaviors to them and I'm sure I could do more if I really understood what was available in the configuration files. Thanks again.
As an example of the kind of page I'm looking for, here is a result from Bing that appears to have what I need based on the snippet showed in the search engine, but the URL itself is not found. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/mediawiki/index.php/Honorbuddy_Custom_Behavior:_InteractWith
That is a link from the old Wiki, which is essentially dead. A lot of good information is no longer available because of it, however you might get lucky using a provider like CachedPages which can try to find a cached version of what you're looking for. The page you're interested in is available here, but I see you're interested in the InteractWith custom behavior. If you open up your Quest Behaviors folder and find the InteractWith.cs file and open it with a text editor you will find very recent and thorough documentation on its function.
Thanks. As I discover stuff I need, I'll try to get it from cached pages, or googles cache and repost it to the new wiki. As a new profile creator, even if out of date, it gives a good start.