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  • Where is the common sense?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Pwn, Mar 7, 2013.

    1. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Now, I don't mean to offend anybody in this thread, and I assume I won't cause the people this will be involving are so unintelligent, they probably won't even be able to read the Title. First of all I wanna say thanks to the Core Devs for putting out a new release, it seems like more things are finally working. The thing I actually wanted to discuss is this community's lack of intelligence. Even before 5.2 a lot of people asked the same question, "How long will it take for HB to be updated for 5.2?" This was asked a lot in a lot of different ways, but this was what it meant. That question can't be answered really, and people should know that. It's logic.

      Then patch day came and people were still all over the subject of "When will HB be 100% ready?" even after the question had been answered a hundred times before the patch. And in addition to it, and this is what really stunned me, people are almost psycotic because things doesn't work with the Test Release. You can't read a title? What is wrong with you? Not only was the Test Release named very clearly to make people understand, this wasn't a stable release at all - the good man Tony created a seperate thread explaining this, but aparently nobody saw that either.

      When people are asking silly questions I kinda just want to tell them to do some simple research and they will probably find the answer. But this didn't even require research. It required people to look at the title of a thread. It required them to look at the first page shown when entering the Buddy Forum, where the same question had already been asked and answered about a billion times at this point.

      I dont know if it's just me, but it annoys the crap out of me and I'm not even responsible for answering these poor simpletons, but when I come in here to see what people are discussing and the only threads around are about why the bot doesn't work, or when it will work, or why a certain aspect of the bot doesn't work, or it the bot won't do this and do that. Im not quite sure, why I wrote this, I guess I just felt like telling you all what I think about this and maybe some one could share their thoughts on the subject.

      This is not troll, nor flame - it's a real subject and from my point of view, a real problem, I think is fair to discuss.
    2. Goodkareem

      Goodkareem New Member

      Feb 3, 2013
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      I wish posting crap on the forums after receiving a warning could result in a 24hr suspension of your HB key or something. I hate all these post. Its hard to talk about real issues with the flooding. I think people dont know what goes into software developement and how hard it is to get a stable build of anything running.
    3. Obbsession

      Obbsession New Member

      Feb 2, 2013
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      Im not very smart (Jenny) but i do know that i dont have a button on me that people can push to make me mad .....so if it doesnt have anything to do with you just ignor it is my point.....there not makeing you read there post bud. are you that out of control ? you seem mad. j/s
    4. cowboyx

      cowboyx New Member

      Feb 10, 2013
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    5. erenion

      erenion DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Keep in mind the HB community is pretty big. Not everyone is spamming Tony saying "questing isn't working!", only a very small % of the population is doing that. Yes some people refuse to read, but there really isn't much you can do about it, we just have to live with it.
    6. combatstang

      combatstang New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      Some people dont have common sense. simple.
    7. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      Did you say you know when the new stable HB would be released? so when is it?

      Also my quest bot tries to pick up the same quest over and over.

      My rogues dosn´t fight.

      My hemoroids hurts...

      But seriously, one thing the HB team is bad at is information, the beta was quickly pdated to work with the new 5.2 even if it was bad, but that information was posted in the middle off a thread and not in an information sticky.
      They should update their own bug´s thread but it is empty.

      this might take some posts away, not all ofc but many.
    8. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      The people who make those threads usually don't bother looking anywhere, mostly because they think it will take longer to search around.

      There should be an auto pickup when typing in the thread title like ownedcore which shows "similar threads" in order to stop people from making the same thread which I think can work quite well if implemented here.
    9. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      I think you're right, that's actually a great idea.
    10. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      it's quite easy to scan for people who have more than 2 accounts, since most people don't have more than 2 accounts apart from botters or multiboxers...

      also, no normal person has over 5 accounts as it's extremely rare for a multiboxer to go over that amount...

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