Background: Bought honorbuddy for my main 7 year old account to level alts. Mistake. Got banned after about 12 hours of quest botting over a 24 hour period (large break). So basically i'm looking to buy an account that is similar to what I had, as my appeals have been denied (still trying). All the sites I have looked at have seemed dodgy, although I suppose that comes with the territory. So, what i'm asking is, what are the best, safest, sites to buy a good account from? Assuming that there is indeed one. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Be aware, @ownedcore are more scammer than normal users :-D Dont trust none who talk like "dont worry, i would never scam you" or "really guy, i think you wanna scam me, hope you wont scam me, got scammed 3 times last week " =>just be sure, this retards try to make you feel little bit safer :X Just trust some legit users who donate to forum(larger amount) and have a lot of reputation, but even these guys could sold their accounts for another random scammers. =>Ebay solves :X
Anyone with a website can scam you as selling/buying accounts is so grey area with legal ramifications of getting caught scamming. Just remember if its too good to be true it probably is a scam and look for decent rep.