Hi, how are the new ores called to farm and where to get them in cataclysm and it is possible to fly with lvl80 in the new areas or do i have to reach lvl85 first? thanks a lot
no one gives a shit shane. he can start them just as well as you can. and has every right. more so in many eyes. looks like the mods agree with me as well. don't all theft's end up being a simple misunderstanding? by the thief?
And his post is somewhat different. He is asking whether or not you have to be lvl 85 to fly in the new areas which I wouldn't mind finding out the answer to as well.
no you do not. though i think one of the new zones prohibits flying by anyone of any level, but I can't seem to find the link.
Shane is a troll nothing more... post the hole day stupid things and collect posts... lol ps. you can fly with lvl 80 and i prefare to level throu herb/mining
so I fucked up sue me. Anyway no you don't have to be 85 to fly in azeroth. It's lvl 60 training and i forget what it costs. You can fly anywhere in cataclysm at lvl 60 or get ported there at... 72 i believe? But to get illustrous grand master you have to be lvl 75. minus fishing. Fishing you can still be lvl 1.
thx @exfelon i justed started to use google and found some interesting things but i believe it would be the best to explore the new areas by hand and after a short time i will upgrade my farm accounts as well and start gb...
what you just said is definitely the best answer. Not the post I was looking for, but http://www.wowwiki.com/World_of_Warcraft:_Cataclysm has a lot of the info on it, as does Wowhead.com