Hello Folks, Is been a while since I use GB or HB. change all my systems from PC to Mac. Now I have a PC dedicated, and want to go back but is been quite a while (4 - 6 months) since I last botted. I have a lifetime membership, but the question is where to start. I want to farm a few things and make some gold for cata. Thanks in advance for advice.
GB. Storm peaks, the safe profile, or the all of northrend profiles. herbing and mining. Better hurry, most likely the 4.0.1 patch will drop next week and the bot may be down for a bit.
yea, if you dont have any farmers level some UP, AV weekend is this weekend,, if you have some Fly and Gathers, then farm northrend for mats.
lol yeah i bought shat myself when i saw you say AV this weekend. i knew i'd looked at that recently.
Thx folks, was looking for info like plug-ins and stuff. It seems a few things are taking a spin. But it seems is just set up as 4-6 months ago, and go go go.