I'm debating on which 80 I should lvl up first to be my new main......I currently have a 6200 gs Kingslayer Dk, A dwarf Shammy, Human Mage, and Gnome Rogue......I've went back and fourth for days debating which one to lvl first given the new talents and what they offer in cata....I enjoy playing them all, so I dont really have a favorite, and now gearscore wont mean anything after the first couple days.....What do you guys suggest if it were you given these choices.....
For hand playing i'd probably go with the Shaman or DK due to the fact they can do multiple roles such as tank and heal which would help with groups & such.
What spec are you gonna lvl your shammy as??? Enhance or ele??? I know everyone is gonna be dual spec'd as resto for the push on dungeons......
Actually i level as resto in the new style its close enough to ele its easily done. But I do Ds enhance resto normally jsut like my DK is Unholy/blood and pally is prot/holy