Can't see how to start a poll, but what is general consensus? 1. PQR/PQE/PQI 2. GatherBuddy 3. HB 4. Other (specify) I was iffy on PQR - hadn't used it in forever; now I am reading it may have been GB and yes, I ran GB for a few hours days before ban. However, I also ran GB on a friend's acct. about a month back and their acct. is fine.
yep. if you got banned at the same moment as everyone else it's pqr. but it's possible they rolled in your regular GB ban in with the rest. doesnt really matter, does it. one thing for sure the major banwave was PQR only. it wasnt even PE, turns out basically all of those used PQR as well within the last 6 months. none of it had anything to do with detecting HB
Ye, banned 01/22 sometime between 9 a.m. 12 p.m. K so, general consensus, PQR. Makes me feel better. Just in case though, no more GB either.