I've noticed that 99% of bans prior to a ban wave are from herbing/mining/dungeoning accounts. It can't be due to just player reports. I'm assuming that Blizzard investigates accounts running identical hotspots over and over, but questing from 1-110 also uses identical hotspots. Why is it that the farmers are being banned prior to ban waves, but other Honorbuddy uses aren't? I know BGs get hit extremely fast, too.
BGs are very likely due to player reports and whenever one player gets inspected whoever inspects them (if done in game) can quite obviously see the big ass bot train and just ban 'em all I guess.
If there are human interaction involved. Like BG/Dougeon etc. It is really easy to get raported. So that way its really easy way to get banned if poeple think you are a bot.
Best way to not get bann, dont use sky golem (you will get reported, people are following them), and farm with druid or rogue (with stealth)
Have never used anything but the world quest bot...Got hammered on all accounts today. They were not even linked and on 2 different credit cards...Both locked down today.
My account that was banned today didn't do any farming, just leveling. Literally no mining/herbing/dungeoning/PVP whatsoever.