Hey guys. Im new to the botting scene. I used Glider back when BC was around but this is all completely new to me. Basically, Im running a Herb gatherer on a botting account but my question is this. What is the likelihood of being banned on your botting account if you bot smart? I want to do this to make money but what if I wanted to actually level up alts that I wanted to play on my main? Botting on my main will only result in a ban and than I will have no account at all... Do any of you use HB to level toons and if so is it on your main account? Im simply asking why bother leveling a toon if you will only get banned anyway? Dont get me wrong this is a great program if you want a free sub or just to make gold but you can't really use it on your regular account because of the banwaves.. So I ask you this, what is your purpose for HB?
Since Bossland does not offer any competing products. Visit https://thebadcatbot.com/ to learn more. We offer solutions for leveling, grinding, gold generation (fishing bot), and combat automation
Hey therethanks for the reply! Would you mind explaining to me how you go about switching the account to your main account? Do you start with a bot account that is registered to the same name as your main this way you can xfer the toons at a later time? I'm interested in leveling other toons to help support my main account money wise.. I appreciate the advice man.
I should have clarified. Same BNET, different WoW License. (It's generally agreed upon that for people who aren't gold sellers, Blizzard will only ban on a wow-license level. Meaning you can have those 8 wow accounts all on the same Battle-net) Then, it's as easy as going to account management and transferring the characters.