Beta isn't supported, because the entire bot design is being changed. The next build will contain a lot of these changes, but it's still not "done" yet. The biggset change is HSB now using the new Buddy.Coroutine library as opposed the old version currently used. This changes the syntax used for development. Having gone though similar with trying to help 3rd party devs keep up with Beta changes in Exilebuddy, it's a lot easier for devs to wait until the API is more stable, and then update for the new version. Otherwise, it's really discouraging to have to spend so much time making constant changes to something that isn't set in stone. As for the HSB update #102, no actual bot/API code was changed. GreyMagic was recompiled with new dependencies. I'm not sure why Silverfish would break with those changes, but if the author needs any assistance, he can contact us (as he has Thomas on Skype).