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  • Why is there no default test profile

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by theatristformallyknownasG, Nov 13, 2013.

    1. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Why is there no default/reference test profile

      Seems to me everyone bitches and moans because HB doesn't work, because there is so many variables why have the devs not released a default/reference test profile to run with Singular. If a user can run the profile without error then they know HB is working fine. Then they can try other profiles and other CR and figure out what is truly wrong, just an idea.

    2. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Making something to diagnose the bots functionality is hard to conceive as you'd have to somehow create a full "loop" in a sense, which can determine the passing or failure of these tests. Generally, it's not very hard to figure out what the issue is if you have excellent skills in picking up context clues. Whereas most people simply know it's not doing what they want it to, and complain to the first medium they come across. Most issues aren't routine based from what I can tell, as the routine is hand-held targets from the botbase or behavior at hand, but I believe most routines have a "Target Dummy" mode which could be useful but not always a wealth of information.

      It's situational to say the least.

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