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  • WIndows 8 and HB

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by alexsc13, Mar 5, 2012.

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    1. alexsc13

      alexsc13 New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      Did anyone manage to find a way to make HB work under Windows 8 ? I understand it is still Beta and that for that reason there is no official support, that is just fine but maybe someone still found a way to make it work ? For me it is the only Software I am using that doesn't work with Windows 8 and it kinda sucks to always have to boot into Windows 7 to run HB.

      Sine it is likely that this thread is getting closed as every other that mention Windows 8 ( which I do not understand personally since why not let your customers talk about it, it is clear you are not officially supporting a Beta OS and that is fine but why forbid customers to talk about it ) I would also appreciate a PM if someone found a solution.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      already answered many times

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