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  • Windward Ilse tigers

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Baby Legs O Houlihan, Oct 25, 2014.

    1. Baby Legs O Houlihan

      Baby Legs O Houlihan New Member

      Oct 25, 2014
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      Hi, new to HB/botting so if this is terrible idea or worthless then just say so but I was wanting a simple grindbot profile that can kill Windward Tigers and Alphas. I found a good skinning profile already but the route also splits exotic leather drops with prismatic scale drops where as i want more exotic leather. windwardroute.jpg
      I tried to attach a picture of what I am looking for. If you can make a profile that can run a route similar to this that would be appreciated. Also I know nothing of making the profiles but if its easier to leave out repairs/mailing/vendoring that's fine as well. I don't usually run one thing for more than a few hours.

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