i have tried everything i can think of to get Flare to cast after Swiftcast Cast("Swiftcast", r => Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent <= 30, r => Core.Player), Cast("Flare", r => Core.Player.HasAura ("Swiftcast") && Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent <= 30), Cast("Convert", r => Actionmanager.LastSpell.Name == "Flare", r => Core.Player), Cast("Thunder III", r => Core.Player.HasAura("Thundercloud") && Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent >= 1), Cast("Transpose", r => Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent > 30 && Core.Player.HasAura("Firestarter") && (Core.Player.HasAura("Umbral Ice III")), r => Core.Player), Cast("Fire III", r => Core.Player.HasAura("Firestarter") && Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent > 30), Apply("Blizzard III", r => !Core.Player.HasAura("Swiftcast") && Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent <= 30), Blizzard III goes off right after swiftcast instead of flare, have tried many different ways of getting this to work, i guess it has to do not being able to read Swiftcast right away, It works if i keep out Core.Player.HasAura ("Swiftcast") but then it would just cast Flare everytime it's up, any suggestions?