Hi, i just had a new record! 138 crashes during the night in vashj'ir. i had this a few weeks ago and now i found the problem. its one single note in vashj'ir thats freaking hb/wow out. i made a few screenshots to show you where it is. i also made a few blackspots, but i didn't know where to insert them. with the old gatherbuddy we had a xml file to put bad nodes in it, but i can't find a similar now. <Blackspot X="-6065.788" Y="3717.665" Z="-448.8396" Radius="4.883144" /> <Blackspot X="-6063.706" Y="3720.624" Z="-449.2149" Radius="9.32523" /> <Blackspot X="-6054.88" Y="3722.003" Z="-463.9084" Radius="15.07789" /> <Blackspot X="-6067.447" Y="3719.671" Z="-468.6927" Radius="13.31648" /> <Blackspot X="-6058.663" Y="3723.211" Z="-431.8632" Radius="18.54412" /> <Blackspot X="-6070.436" Y="3718.245" Z="-432.9016" Radius="18.07826" /> <Hotspot X="-6062.873" Y="3716.536" Z="-449.2895" /> Direct Position of node Hopefully someone can explain me where to put these blacknodes in. Screenshot1: Position on world map Screenshot2: Position where wow crashes Screenshot3: Position of actually note I also added a few logs, but i don't know if that helps. Cache & WTF where also deleted for test purposes. Maybe someone can help and understood my crappy english ^^
Use this, I find radius 30 keeps away from the bad spots properly instead of just adding blackspot without radius. <Blackspot X="-6062.873" Y="3716.536" Z="-449.2895" Radius="30"/>
I usualy blackspot with the radius of 10 yards, works wonders in Vashj'ir I edited the mega route and I only get like.. 1 crash a day or so if unlucky.