I win BG i hit close battleground. Crashh.................. Honorbuddy2 Combat Bot Mode Ezret Combat Class Copy/pasted Towards end of log due to log is to big for forums.
Same thing happens to me everytime I exit a BG. I can run every other bot, IB, GB2, AB etc etc, but PvP just won't work
Whatcha and Jamoaftw... you have to include a full log for anyone to be able to look at what's going on. Simply saying that it's not working and a partial log doesn't show what you're using as a bot base or most of the other info that's looked at. Tony showed what to attach and how - if it's too big, either compress it (text compresses 80%+) or delete the logs, and have it do it again and submit the smaller log... but without that, you're not helping anyone to help you.
I used Apsal'ara Singular, seems to be the reason why it constantly gave me wow errors. Tried installing the default Singular again, and now everything works fine. Only does this for casters tho, never had any problems on my cat druid, paladin or rogue. Anyway, try changing your CC.