Here's a screenshot I don't have any logs to post because I can't login to my character in the first place. The second I hit launch via Honorbuddy, WoW crashes and gives me that message. However, I can then go and manually open the WoW.exe that honorbuddy is trying to open. Can I still attach if I do that?
Here is the log that pops up in the Logs folder of Honorbuddy after I try to launch WoW via honorbuddy [16:11:15.694 N] Honorbuddy v3.0.17184.879 started. [16:11:16.306 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots [16:11:16.308 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines [16:11:16.310 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins That's it.