Well today i was leveling/grinding my BE paladin in nagrand. I was outside for a smoke and came back to my computer. I checked wow and found out a Druid in cat form was talking to my bot. He just started so i wasnt scared at all i missed something and he would think i was a bot...... yet. First thing he said was that he was my spy. I was like oh shit maybe he does know i am a bot and said "How do you mean spy" He: prrrrrrrr Me: ??? He: I am your pet Me: Right i am a paladin.... He: I am your pet and you can tell me anywhere to go. And he started to walk in circles around me. Saying prrr prrt prrt stuff. I actually wanted to tell him he was a sicko who needed some help and had to go far far far away from me but i didnt wanted to draw any extra attention to my bot by making him pissed or antrhing. I added him as a friend so i could keep an eye on him when i was online. Always good to know if your on someone else his friend list and if he would be searching for me when i was online. And afterwards i told him i had to go. Continued botting on another realm. Second case of weirdo's. With my old account before it got banned in the 2008 banwave i was flying around halaa doing pvp for fun. I was flying over a floating island and found 3 BE characters sitting there naked. Two females and a male. I approached from beneath to hear what they where saying without them seeing me. Guess they where talking in party chat or something cause i couldnt get anything. Flew around so i was floating above them and dismounted. I felt down in the middle and yelled "WTF are you 3 doing here naked?" They all hearthed away. Now ive found more people sitting somewhere naked but this one was "special" cause they where with the 3 of them. Now i am pretty curious what you guys have seen for strange shit in wow
LOL that was kinda funny, especially the BE 1, something similar with the druid has happened to me, and i have found some BE sex slaves selling themselves for 1kg for cybersex :/ very weird indeed..
Weirdest I have seen is in the deep run tram I saw a dwarf giving head to a night elf I belieive by using the nod macro or something and then the night elf yelling some quite nasty things.
This guy in Thunder Bluff was running back and forward for 3 days straight in a small area Wonder what happend to him. Funny story tho
Saw a hacker and a gm having a flying race above stormwind at around 2am on an empty eu server. The gm then came up to me and did some roleplay from the men in black film *Uses flashy pen thing to wipe your memory*. He then went invis to everyone lol. Was awesome. Hacker got banned moments later xD.