Okay, so I'm getting extremely frustrated. Ever since the last hb update, WoW will sometimes randomly crash. Most of the time it happens when I try to open up the map while questing is doing its thing or it'll just do it by itself. In this example, I'm running Bgfarmer with vitalic and it just crashed. Log and screen shot uploaded. Have done: Fresh HB install, clear cache of WoW and HB, disabling all addons, antivirus turned off, etc. View attachment 11476 2016-09-24 16.29.txt
any of the programs listed here BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki installed?
I think I have actually figured it out - I believe it was an addon called "World Quest Tracker". Since it screws with the map, I think that was what was making it crash with HB. I've removed it and haven't had a problem since. Will report back if something does happen. Thanks Tony!