Is there any possibility to write a macro only attacking enemy npc's not enemy player? Something like /targetenemy [npc] don't work! Is there any other way?
I have the problem that i attack every enemy (npc's and player) and i would like to attack only npc's. So i need something to filter every "yellow" target or "player" target!
Hb will only defend when it gets attacked,what you are describing its not normal behavior give us your log file so we can check whats going on
I don't have any logs. I want to create a routine for open world event leveling. So i need a macro for targeting only npc's and ignoring enemy player. I try to describe my problem in more detail: There is a bunch of targets, spawning npc's and alot pvp player (enemy fraction) yellow or red flagged. I want to use honorbuddy to spam an "attacking macro" only targeting enemy npc's and ignoring the other pvp-targets. But i can't use the name of the npc-targets because the macro is limited and there's too many different names. Can you help me please?