I just logged in and was greeted to "Login Failed, Support for this Key has expired". My key, according to this, is supposed to still be running!!!!!! "Honorbuddy - Lifetimes that have been sold between the year 2009 and 4 June 2016, will expire latest on 3 June 2018 (bonus days not included)." Want to explain why my key no longer works? I purchased my LIFETIME KEY in 2013!
Because they kinda screwed us. We get 2 years if your lifetime, so your key is now from 2013 to 2015. so its 2 year expired I think alot of people are mad at HB staff for doing this.
this was fun to see... i paid for 3 keys and hardly ever used more then one and i get kicked out of the program.... fucking horseshit after then losing all those accounts using HB they should have extended it instead of cuting 6 years off (mine was suppose to expire in 2021 now it expired in 2015...) Understand they need to cover costs, but it screws me out for a week until i get paid and can repurchase, & if we re-purchase the 1 year key, what is to stop them from ending that in 3 days if they so choose? poor business practice and i doubt very seriously they took in to consideration how the customer would feel. HB just kinda went from the bot that was sticking it to the man... to ... the man.
Wrobot, lifetime and looks like a stable and ok bot, only ban reports from banwaves... good alternative, hopefully they will get some developers soon. - RIP Honorbuddy. Don't screw with people
This sucks indeed !!! barley used mine, lost 3 accounts using hb, and YOU CANT WITHDRAW A PURCHASE... This made me google for alternatives.
Wonder how many people signed up for the site Pralen mentioned just because this left a bad taste in their mouths for HB.