First, I'd like to note that earlier this morning I was botting just fine... doing some bgs but it disconnected while I tabbed to other programs (at work atm), so I'm guessing it demands being the "front" window/application on the screen. But my main concern is that I can no longer run honorbuddy even though I was running it this morning just fine. Note: this was after installing a windows update as I had to restart my computer because MS excel wasn't working (work comes first ) and upon restarting HB would not work. You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16057 You are currently on build #0 Running both wow and hb as admin launched wow as 32 bit direct x11 windowed/windowed (fullscreen) restarted both clients as well as computer multiple times installed windows updates using hb version 2.5.6384.495 (downloaded yesterday 10/9/12 at night) w7 computer logs: View attachment 6116 2012-10-10 11.51.txt View attachment 4216 2012-10-10 11.41.txt
I had the same problem after wow updated. working fine all last night and this morning but this afternoon after the WoW ninja patch its saying invalid instance of WoW. Any info would be great, thanks. Figures I finally get honorbuddy to not have errors, works for a day, then more errors.
I think HB needs a minor patch just telling it that the new patched wow is safe, and it'll be good to go. We should not see any major downtime, just until a dev has a chance to look at it and push the new HB version.
Lol, same here man. I just got back into wow yesterday and decided to bot some bgs while I'm at work so I can get, at least, some experience. Then this ninja patch >_>
This is normal; with the way HB is patched I'm sure it will be updated and working within an hour or two.
HB was working for me up until 5 mins ago, had to restart WoW so the patch installed, now HB doesn't work. Wish I would have known! Blah!
getting same error messages, tried to download bot again and it didnt fix it. was working great this morning. Honorbuddy v2.5.6384.495 started. Logging in... ------------------------------- You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16057 You are currently on build #0
if you are on US Realms, Update to the latest honorbuddy HERE. if your still having problems read the setup guide to make sure your not missing any steps in the setup.