You put your bot on overnight, either GB or HB, and wake up in the morning, check your bags, and are happy beyond belief. what was in your bags? for me it would be a BoE epic, or maybe a couple geodes
Shitloads of night elf fragments, none which led to Tyrande's Favourite doll. Been hunting for it for seven days now, fuck my life.
Really? That's pretty unlucky. My mage and priest both got that trinket in like one day. Unfortunately, Zin'rokh hasn't appeared after 2.5 weeks of using AB (and similar "illegal" plugins before AB was released) while running 3 accounts nonstop.
Coming back to seeing 800 or so troll fragments. Then to have it shattered by making gold filled tooth for the 100th time.
Mine would have to be the Troll Fragments for the Sword also I am working on the Trinket you mentioned, not that it will be my warrior any good, will have to level an alt for it
god i hate archaeology my bot has been running for about 2 weeks or so now and i have got plenty of vendor crap but no Zin'rokh blizz really should buff the drop rate a little and no be so greedy with all the game time you have to sink in it to get it...hell ill bet the insane achievement would take less time then getting Zin'rokh
Saved up 1000 troll fragments to give a try for the sword, saw I had 45/35 dwarf fragments, figured, well wtf, I might aswell. BAM, got the stupid staff which is useless to me ?_?.
How ironic! Just the other day I was looking for the staff and up pops the sword which I have no use for lol. Thinking I might lvl up a DK just so I can use it! Hundreds of Dwarf fragments later and still no staff!
man you guys are lucky... if i leave hb/gb over night something usually happens, like it gets stuck or crashes or something dumb... so i wake up, check my bags, and i only have a few things... funny thing though, I run this while i work, and it works just fine without me touching it. I will leave to the store or do something, and i will come back to it not working.... My hb must really crave attention... lol