i did the best i could, its not perfect and sometimes will not get to the boss, its best to use this with a relogger and a plugin like logmeout so when it gets stuck X amount of times to close the bot, the relogger will reopen the bot and the profile will start all over again giving u an other chance to get the mount this is not an endless run and u can only do this on heroic let me know how it goes, not every run will get the toon to the boss but it should do it more then no profile XD View attachment Zul'Gurub Mount Run R1.xml i dont know why but my 1st post of this is gone if something is wrong let me know i will try and fix this
tryed this today with two characters main problem is boulders. first character was lucky enought to pass throught boulders and kill troll. second character was hit twice in about 70-80% of way and got hit constanly and run straight. p.s. sorry for my bad english
this is why i said its not perfect and to use relogger and a plugin like logmeout so when it gets stuck X amount of times to close the bot, the relogger will reopen the bot and the profile will start all over again giving u an other chance to get the mount
So this profile relies on getting stuck and logging out to run properly? Thanks for your efforts regardless
it does not relies on it, but i would like to see someone make one were u dont need to do this, i dont have a tonf of exp with code so this is the best i could, it has a chance to get pass the boulders and if it fails thats were logmeout/arelog comes in to give u an other chance
U should just make the profile pause when it reaches Boulders, the user then completes them manually, and presses Continue Profile...
You don't need to pause the profile or stop it, it is simple enough to just pause the profile at the start mid and end of the trap. Sadly I myself am not too sure on the mechanics of the traps. But if you study them enough I'm sure you could design the profile to run without dying on it.
And how is this different form what i wrote? I dont understand u. Profile just pauses and waits for user interaction... (aka built in profile). I never said a person should "pause" HB. Something like this: PHP: <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="False" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="1" Text=" WAITING TO PASS BOULDERS" />
i didnt want to do that, there is an other profile out there that does that, i wanted this to be more automated then having the person do the run, i know its not hard for the person to do it but some ppl would prefer it this way, i am one of them