[HR][/HR] Features Uses CombatRoutine's Heal() method to recover HP. Casts 'Back into the Fray' Pauses the bot when not in combat to allow HP to recover. [table="width: 100%, class: outer_border, align: center"] [tr][td][/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td][/tr] [tr][td] Download -- SVN | ZIP [/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td][/tr] [tr] [td][ Change Log ][/td] [/tr] [/table]
Hey, if you can make a plugin that would log you out if you're stuck for some time that'd be greatly appreciated If I can help at all let me know!!
Plugin updated. I've been experimenting with finding an effective way to determine if the bot is stuck quickly, which is slightly troubled by other navigation issues, as well as my profiles not getting stuck often.
That intrigues me, I've been leveling a new account and first off the questing profile is next to useless because of nav issues as well as others. I have been collecting/grinding mobs on the new account that I have.... shiphands? You sneaky sneaky snake
Just found this. Have to test it out. You can ignore my question on health recovery not happening in my PM.
Hey DD, I've been using recovery on a stalker for a while and just started trying out both an esper and a medic, and neither one will cast a heal to recover HP. Is there something special I have to do? How do I check what the CombatRoutine's Heal() method is?
It's entirely possible that it's not being utilized, but it shoullddd be in the Medic.cs file! I'll look at it none the less in case I have a bit of a logic error. (Been a while since I looked at this thread, haha!)
Looks like medics don't have a self heal defined, which could be the issue. But also didn't get a heal on the Esper either. I'll research it further now that I know where to look.
After the updates today I cant get recovery plugin to work with the newest beta Log: http://justpaste.it/p650
Recovery doesn't support the BETA client, usually this isn't an issue as it'll be compatible between clients, sometimes we get unlucky in the transitions though! That being said, Recovery has been updated.
See my changes: Recovery.cs: public void StealthMe() { if (GameManager.LocalPlayer.Class == Class.Stalker) { if (!Me.HasBuff("Stealth")) { SpellManager.InnateAbility.Cast(); return; } } } if (Me.HealthPercent <= RecoverySettings.Instance.CastHpPercent) { if (GameEngine.CurrentRoutine != null) { StealthMe(); await GameEngine.CurrentRoutine.Heal(); } } Will be "handy" for Stalkers to wait in stealth instead of normal staying.
Placed it in the plugins directory, but my bot simply keeps fighting and dieing... does not pause at all when out of combat. Any info you need to help or any direct hint? edit: running profile bot with agility bridge now, since agility at least uses my mending drones and some others
Make sure you turn it on (Settings in the top bar, click the checkbox by 'Recovery' in the plugin list.
Assumed that, but it isn't even there. Tried directly unpacking it into the Plugins folder, aswell as creating a "Recovery" folder. Will add the error log I got in an edit to this post in a bit edit: errors are in german, guess that wont help much^^; error cs0122...does that help?
*blush* I can't find any ._. Edit: But all of a sudden I can enable Recovery, so I guess I am fine for now
Haha, DD, it would be nice that he only recovers if he is "safe". Talking about: If there are are some CC effects on him that could kill him, please move somewhere safe first. (Hence not having any CC effect, and not being in fight...) *looking at you, you killer vents in Infestation*