U.S only because of blizzard's patch
its not a question of Country its just about reality how can you expect like 2-3 programmer to fix that in less than 3 hours I mean give them a...
Yes! [ATTACH] indeed
Hey buddy I tried to update redownload or anything and still can't attach to a valid wow sessions
I got the question behavior thing fixed but now its glitched on quest pickup it keep on asking to a npc for a quest that the npc dosent have
already have them into my folder profile's where do I dl them?
Bug [Profile Message]: If the bot stops after this message - you need to copy over the behaviors from my SVN! Could not create current in quest...
One last question for some reason Hbrelog keep on opening hb and after like 5 minutes hb bugs and tells me that too many sessions are open you...
Yeah I just notice thanks !
meh I don't think so only when I farm I dc never when I do bgs and heres a pic of Arelog
Geezus Still dc'ed again
Big tons first option was checked i'll try them both disable thanks again
Dc again I got dc even with exception add to firewall
Just did will see how it works thanks alot Tony !
Eh? Whats that hb 5800?
Separate names with a comma.