I'm not getting any error codes [ATTACH] About 5 minutes into questing the bot gets a 'mind of its own'. It's like all the settings are ignored...
got it to work, just had to restart my comp. but now I'm launching wow with honorbuddy launcher and it cant find a process to attach to. edit:...
downloaded as admin. still not working getting error codes still
I've downloaded this many times not sure why this isnt working this time. [ATTACH]
Whoa, that's a massive win % what deck are you playing? and what custom deck? Triton control?
[ATTACH] Edit new log [ATTACH] I get an error when I launch http://puu.sh/bx0Hj/e242bf3bc4.png Not sure what's happening
tried still not working. But didn't remove microsoft .net framework stuff because I can't find it. In the cmd prompt it said it was already found...
No I don't.
I have the newest update I have launched in Admin I have Hearthstone open I have download all prerequisites from here...
exact same thing happened to me, I just wow headed 61065 and brought me here 61065 - Wowhead Search and clicked the first one which brought me...
Separate names with a comma.