May someone help me out with this, When i put true-False in the profile for questing, and i start up the bot, i get a error 1-85 profile questing...
Hello, i was curious would you be able to help me with the itemforaura, im under the plugins section on the bot, but im a bit confused, im a...
wow thank you so much, i hope it works
may you give me a quicky on how to remove the quests in goldshire? i opened the 1-85 kicks quests in wordpad, but im not sure what to delete or...
[6:53:38 PM:362] Activity: Loading Tile/s [6:53:44 PM:697] InteractDebug:636938992 [6:53:44 PM:792] Interact Done:636938992 [6:53:49 PM:090]...
thanks, i just wont minimize it at all, also, can you help me out, im in goldshire for 30 minutes talking to the same guy for the whole time, he...
Hey, May you help me out, I am stuck in Goldshire, it keeps talking to Macduggan or whatever and he doesnt even have anything to do with a quest....
well, may someone help me out, my main problems are that, i cant maximize or even view the bot, it goes straight to minimize after i click login,...
yes i did, i can open wow, but i cannot maximize or even see the honorbuddy program, it just hides as an icon by the lower right hand corner, by...
uhh, now i cant even open wow
as well as, i have one more problem, whenever i even open up honnorbuddy, it minimizes and goes to the bottom right corner and i cannot open it,...
also, it keeps attacking every monster it sees, a option just popped up for this but then disapeared because i exited it out on accident, how do i...
right now, it keeps asking the same guy for a quest, like for 10 minutes, i ended the bot for a sec, but is there a way to fix that, and i just...
my level is 27 or 28 i believe, is questing the fastest way to level up?
its also doing quests that are giving me 15 exp, is there a way to change that lol
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