If you get a 72h ban for botting is that account forever marked as a botter. If you bot 1 year later will they ban you forever?
Ich denke mal das die irgendwie rausgekriegt haben wer den Bot benutzt vor allem wenn man den mehr als 4 Stunden n?tzt.
yep this would be nice, because my windows crashes and restarts.
How can i do it, when my computer starts that the panda starts with?
Hello the Profile [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] R.xml is that for the Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4620 version or for Honorbuddy because when...
So when i go instances for 5 man as Healer what should i set? Grind Bot or RAF Bot or what profil should i load?
why HB crashes when i uses this ally profile? Have the latest HB
That profil dosen't work with the new, because when i load i get an error and HB crashes.
i have the same problem wit the vendor. Still running in the wall. Do somebody know a vendor who is standig outside the house or something else in...
Hello, my druid is lvl 43 and have the Moonkin talents but he never switched up to moonkin form. This ist the log LOADED: Kaboomkin v1.6a Spec...
Ppl who have solved the vendors problem can you please write what you have changed so that we can change the profile too.
Separate names with a comma.