+1 need bot
В данже вершина смерча после 3-5 проходов полная сумка, должен выйти, найти торговца, продать и полететь к порталу, но он пишет [22:38:07.299 D]...
As in The Vortex Pinnacle to make at least that he ran and jumped into the bottom, then he teleports to the beginning and find out???
Blackrock Caverns fix. Edit .cs file public override WoWPoint ExitLocation { get { return new WoWPoint(220.0428f, 1141.498f, 210.3351f); } }...
Grim Batol has no ExitLocation. I fixed it. Now gives the inscription - HonorBuddy will ocassionally stop working while in Grim Batol due to a bug...
Hi! How do I make the desired item is mailed, and the rest were sold? MIR2 only sells. In bot there is a place to register a nickname, who to...
Throw a link where to write?
And me need too))
Does not take away from the bank .. Do not put in the bank .. In all horde towns
Who can make a flexible raid? Not free.
Retribution Paladin. does not attack. writes - you need to get closer
dont attack monsters that attack, when I run out of the store in the dungeon
Brewmaster dont use Legacy of the Emperor in dugeon
Hi! Not work dungeon Wotlk, BC, some cataclysm .. Writes No script found for dungeonId. for example The Culling of Stratholme. I attach the...
Separate names with a comma.