alright thank you
[16:03:17.854 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED [16:03:18.175 N] [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for...
I turn my bot on when i go to sleep and when i wake up i am disconnected(this happens every night). A friend told me that i went afk and then...
I am leveling a rogue with my bot and it useing garrote when it opens on a mob instead of ambush (which would be alot faster to kill it) Is there...
alright thanks i got thank you very much
I am new to the botting thing and I was wondering if there was a way i can get Bgbuddy to just do Arathi Basin?
Attaching a log ok i am having the same problems here are my logs The bot also just runs close to any enemy without aggroing it and just...
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